Smile! Seems pretty harmless right. So many sayings that encourage smiling. So many songs written on ladies smiling. Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and cry alone. Blah blah blah...Yet we are most frugal about things that are free. As if we will lose a million dollars if we smile at someone. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little. But think about it, when you are out walking or in a mall and you see a stranger in front of you. Your eyes meet. You both scrutinize each other. How often do you acknowledge him or her with a smile? If the answer to this question is often or every time, then I would put you in the exception category. Because most people don't really respond to another person with a smile or a nod. They would look at you from head to toe but will not smile at you or even nod. It is hilarious and intriguing to me. Sort of my pet peeve. I cannot understand that if you are spending a couple of seconds to look why not use that time to smile. Wouldn't that be more productive use of time.
People working in customer care are taught to smile when they say hello to a customer. The rationale behind this is that people can sense the warmth from your voice. So if you smile and speak with your customers, they will be more willing to buy from you. Hence the over use of," Hello sir or ma'am, do you find everything ok?" or ,"Do you need help with something?" It is annoying but nice that someone cares or is at least pretending to care. Seeing someone smile does make you smile. No matter who it is.
When I go out, I notice how people react when you are in front of them. We look, analyze and then when our eyes meet, I smile and 75% of the times the smile is not returned. Interesting right. In my apartment there is a sort of ego play. Two people will continue to look at each other with squinted eyes but will wait for the other person to acknowledge them, say hi or smile. Why the game I don't know. Maybe the lack of humility. Maybe the presence of ego. Either ways too much drama if you ask me.
I read a quote once which said people don't remember what you said, your praises or actions but they never forget how you made them feel. So true. Why not be the first smile, spread the happiness and make even a stranger feel special. Hopefully your efforts will be reciprocated.
Keep smiling :)
Leena --<@
People working in customer care are taught to smile when they say hello to a customer. The rationale behind this is that people can sense the warmth from your voice. So if you smile and speak with your customers, they will be more willing to buy from you. Hence the over use of," Hello sir or ma'am, do you find everything ok?" or ,"Do you need help with something?" It is annoying but nice that someone cares or is at least pretending to care. Seeing someone smile does make you smile. No matter who it is.
When I go out, I notice how people react when you are in front of them. We look, analyze and then when our eyes meet, I smile and 75% of the times the smile is not returned. Interesting right. In my apartment there is a sort of ego play. Two people will continue to look at each other with squinted eyes but will wait for the other person to acknowledge them, say hi or smile. Why the game I don't know. Maybe the lack of humility. Maybe the presence of ego. Either ways too much drama if you ask me.
I read a quote once which said people don't remember what you said, your praises or actions but they never forget how you made them feel. So true. Why not be the first smile, spread the happiness and make even a stranger feel special. Hopefully your efforts will be reciprocated.
Keep smiling :)
Leena --<@
Amazing and so true.
ReplyDeleteI did smile to some unknown people and I really see a big difference. Thanks Lee..very well written.
well put Leena! smile hardly costs anything but seems like a big deal!